The events of the series continue in Superman (2025)
Follows a group of military superhumans consisting of a human leader, a werewolf, a vampire, Frankenstein’s monster, and a Gorgon. Series creator and writer James Gunn is seen in the opening credits with a laptop on which he is typing a script.
Grinding Coffee (uncredited) Traditional [title sequence music]
Included in the cast of AniMat’s Wacky Cartoons: Return of the (Hill) King (2023). It marks the bold beginning of a new DC Universe (DCU), ushering in a fresh, unified era for DC fans.
The series puts a unique spin on the superhero genre by combining intense character drama with complex world-building
Set in a universe where heroes have been redefined, “Forever” feels like both an homage to classic DC storytelling and a bold new chapter. The show’s title itself is significant, symbolizing not only the protagonist’s immortality, but also DC’s ambition to create a legacy that will stand the test of time.
Check out our December calendar for more!
With cinematic visuals, deeply emotional story arcs, and carefully crafted connections to the broader DC Universe, the series confidently positions itself as the cornerstone of the next phase of superhero storytelling. “One Hundred Years of Solitude” is one of the biggest TV and streaming premieres this month.