Abel is a high school student struggling to focus on his final exams and is hopelessly in love with his best friend Janka
Due to the subject matter of the film, the Hungarian government did not finance the film, so its budget and crew were small. .
The pacing is terrible
Most of the actors in it are friends of the writer and director, Gabor Reiss, students or teachers. The first 40 minutes are just characters staring into the distance.
And then the film ends without a resolution, solution or real climax
Then there is some action, eventually people start having dialogue, background, but everything goes as expected (especially if you are familiar with the political situation in Hungary), the film does not really add any dialogue. The dialogue progresses from bad to good (realistic), the acting is good.
The film is not really an explanation for everything, it is more of an example of (stereo)typicality
All the characters are one-dimensional or zero-dimensional, although the lives of many of them are visible on both a professional and personal level.